About Beth Abraham
Beth Abraham Cemetery has an updated appearance!
Over the summer of 2022 our cemetery welcomed an intern from the University of Michigan Flint to work on preserving some of our historic headstones! Stones were preserved using techniques from the Secretery of Interior’s Standards and State Historic Preservation Office (MI) guidelines for historic preservation of cemeteries. This work ensures the longevity of the stones through inspection and gentle cleaning using non-abrasive natural bristle brushes and cleaning product. Cracks in stones give easy access to damage from water and plantlife so gently clearing debris prevents some future damage.

An addition we’ve made in the past few years includes privacy fencing on the south side. Cement framing, once a tripping hazard, has been removed and the ground leveled to make browsing more accessible. Our 100-year-old trees also had to be removed but 18 saplings took their place before the pandemic – we’re looking forward to their continued growth!
Planning is also underway for improvements such as:
- Repaving
- Remote-controlled gate at the entrance